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Leftover Rice Cutlet Recipe

Leftover Rice Cutlet by Cooking with Smita
  • Leftover Rice Cutlet Recipe

Today I am sharing an easy and healthy recipe of Leftover Rice Cutlet made from leftover Rice. You can also use freshly cooked Rice in case you don’t have leftover rice, make sure freshly cooked rice are dry and at room temperature. Leftover Rice cutlet is so delicious and healthy too as you can add finely chopped vegetables which are available in your kitchen.

I have already shared a recipe of Rice Balls, in which I used leftover Rice. Rice Cutlets are different from Rice Balls as I have added Potatoes. One more difference it that Rice Cutlets are shallow fried in less Oil, hence making a healthy dish. Rice Cutlets coated with flavoured Breadcrumbs makes it crispy outside and soft inside.




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